*An Act Enhancing Learning in the Early School Years Through a Ban on School Exclusion in Pre-Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade (H.453/S.289)
Sponsored by Rep. Decker and Sen. Gomez
Aims to improve educational outcomes and graduation rates by banning Massachusetts public schools from suspending or expelling students in grades pre-K through third grade for disciplinary infractions.
*An Act to Ensure Equitable Access to Education, Including Special Education Services, for All Students in Massachusetts (H.454/S.249)
Sponsored by Rep. Decker and Sen. Creem
Requires publicly available school discipline data to be disaggregated in a way that can be easily cross-tabulated, which can help advocates better identify disparities and inequitable treatment of students.
*An Act To Reduce Disparities Created by Exclusionary School Discipline Policies/An Act to Reduce Exclusionary Discipline for Grooming and Dress Code Violations (H.478/S.290)
Sponsored by Rep. Fluker Oakley and Sen. Gomez
Prohibits school officials from suspending or expelling students solely based on the violation of dress codes, which disproportionately impact Black and brown girls.
An Act Relative to Safer Schools (H.517/S.300)
Sponsored by Rep. Khan and Sen. Kennedy
Supports schools that want to transition their school safety programs to ones that do not rely on police and requires more transparency on the impact of School Resource Officers’ interactions with students and their information sharing with law enforcement agencies.
An Act Relative to the Location of School Resource Officers (H.565)
Sponsored by Rep. Sabadosa
Supports efforts to transition to police-free school safety by requiring school resource officers be stationed off school grounds.
An Act Relative to the Training, Assessment, and Assignment of Qualified School Interpreters in Educational Settings (H.437/S.253)
Sponsored by Rep. Cabral and Sen. Crighton
Ensures limited English proficient parents and students are provided with competent interpretation services at school.
An Act to remedy disparities in students’ educational achievement (H.597/S.294)
Sponsored by Rep. Meschino, Rep. Ultrino, and Sen. Jehlen
Addresses disparities in exclusionary discipline by narrowing acceptable parameters for suspension or expulsion and strengthening due process protections to safeguard students’ rights.
An Act Relative to Educator Diversity (H.549/S.311)
Sponsored by Rep. Peisch and Sen. Lewis
Develops an alternative process for granting educator licensure and establishes guidelines to increase racial and ethnic diversity among teaching, administration, and staff positions, thereby enhancing the impact of additional reform efforts and improving outcomes for BIPOC students.