Action Alert

You did it!

Your tireless efforts have paid off! After intense debate last week, the omnibus criminal justice reform bill (S.2200) passed the Senate! Key provisions we support from H.328/S.876, An Act decriminalizing non-violent and verbal student misconduct were also included in the final Senate bill, which means we are one step closer to dismantling the school-to-prison-pipeline!

Specifically, sections 34, 267, and 268 of S.2200 contain provisions:

  1. decriminalizing non-violent misconduct in schools by eliminating the crime of disturbing school assembly; and
  2. requiring that MOUs between schools and police departments include certain provisions clarifying that SROs should not be involved in routine disciplinary actions for non-violent school infractions and outlining data collection methods and responsibilities.

Like suspensions and expulsions, arrests of students for non-violent behavior disproportionately affect students of color and students with disabilities.

I want to thank you for fighting to preserve these vital sections in the final bill to keep at-risk kids safe and in school.

But it’s not over yet!

The bill has passed the Senate and we expect it to be taken up by the House the week of November 13th. Stay tuned for advocacy opportunities in the House and in the meantime, be sure to call your Senator and thank them for protecting vulnerable youth.

Click here to find your state Senator’s contact information.

Thank you for your continued support.

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