The civil justice system is designed by lawyers and for lawyers, which means trying to navigate complex court processes without legal representation can be almost impossible. But thousands of people facing life-changing challenges like wrongful eviction or crushing debt cannot afford an attorney, so representing themselves is their only option.

Contact your legislators and tell them: Massachusetts residents shouldn’t need a law degree to avoid catastrophe. Expand access to justice by supporting the Judiciary IT Bond bill!

Right now, people are continually thrown into the civil justice system on their own and unaware of their fundamental rights. The impact of this can be devastating – sending families spiraling into poverty and upheaval, further disenfranchising our most vulnerable communities, and perpetuating systemic inequities.

In 2019, we issued a report detailing how technology could help solve this crisis. Specifically, we recommended that the Massachusetts Trial Court create a centralized, online legal help center. But because the courts’ IT systems are so out-of-date, technology-based solutions remain out of reach

H.1520, the Judiciary IT Bond bill (An Act to Improve and Modernize the Information Technology Systems and Capacities of the Judiciary), would update the Massachusetts Trial Court’s severely outdated IT structure and fund online innovations that can help people successfully advocate for themselves and protect their livelihoods, their health, and their families.

This is an opportunity for Massachusetts to invest in access to justice at an unprecedented level. By funding these essential and long-overdue technological improvements, the legislature can reduce disparities between wealthy and low-income litigants, ease burdens on working families, provide language access for immigrant and limited English proficient residents, and empower everyone to resolve their civil legal problems – whether they can afford an attorney or not.

And as the COVID-19 pandemic has destabilized families and heightened legal needs, this bill is more urgent than ever.

An important deadline is fast approaching: on February 2nd, the legislature will decide which bills from this legislative session move forward and which will not. Please take this one-minute action TODAY and urge your legislators to support H.1520 and ensure the Judiciary Committee issues a favorable report for this bill.


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The Massachusetts Legislature is preparing to break for the holidays soon. But before that happens, we have an exciting opportunity to move the Young Student Exclusion Ban Act forward and eliminate harsh disciplinary policies that fuel the school-to-prison pipeline.

This bill is scheduled for a legislative hearing next week – which means we have just a few days to consolidate as much support behind it as we can. Contact your legislators and tell them: our youngest children belong in class where they are safe, supported, and available for learning.

The Young Student Exclusion Ban Act (H.3876) aims to improve educational outcomes by replacing the use of exclusionary discipline in response to minor offenses by students in pre-K through 3rd grade with effective, alternative approaches like restorative practices, mediation, and other forms of conflict resolution. As young students return to school from traumatic experiences brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the time to ensure they remain in the classroom where they can get back on track.

Excluding students from the classroom at an early age makes it increasingly likely they will experience expulsion or suspension in later grades, contributing to poor academic performance, failure to graduate on time, or even dropping out altogether. 

And with Black and Latinx students, students with disabilities, and students who are economically disadvantaged disproportionately more likely to experience exclusionary discipline at an early age, the Young Student Exclusion Ban Act will help address long-standing inequities and opportunity gaps in education.

We need to make sure this bill has strong support heading into next week’s hearing, but that can only happen with your help. Please take this one-minute action today and urge your legislators to support the Young Student Exclusion Ban Act!


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Just a few weeks ago, the House debated hundreds of amendments to determine how to allocate funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and surplus funds from last fiscal year. And with your help, several significant amendments were included – prioritizing BIPOC youth and youth experiencing homelessness and addressing barriers to education for low-income students.

Now it’s the Senate’s turn and we have another chance to fight for the inclusion of essential initiatives to ensure Massachusetts’ recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is equitable, sustainable, and centered on families and youth who have been hit hardest during this devastating time.

Last Wednesday, the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means (SWM) released S.2564, their own document to allocate ARPA and surplus funds. Senators had until Friday afternoon to submit amendments to that proposal, and the full Senate will be debating and voting on those amendments TOMORROW (November 10th).

This is an unprecedented opportunity to advance social justice and invest in the systemic solutions our communities deserve. 

Please reach out to your Senator now and ask them to include key funding initiatives in S.2564 that support students, youth experiencing homelessness, and renters facing eviction.

Amendments We Support:

Amendment #32 “Youth Employment”: Sponsored by Senator Eldridge, this amendment would allocate $50 million to support employment programs for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness, including programs that serve LGBTQ+ and questioning youth and youth of color. This investment would empower an estimated 10,000 young people with jobs and pathways to career success. Click here for more information about this amendment from our advocacy partner Breaktime.

Amendment #257 “MLAC”: Sponsored by Senator DiDomenico, this amendment includes funding for the Housing and Eviction Representation program and the Right to High-Quality Education for All Students program. Use this form to urge your State Senator to support Amendment #257!
  • The amendment would provide $12.4 million for one year of temporary funding for the Housing and Eviction Representation program to provide housing stability and homelessness prevention to those at risk of eviction. This program would make tenants and owner occupants whose incomes are below 80% of the Area Median Income eligible for free legal representation.
  • The Right to High-Quality Education for All Students program would allocate $1.9 million to address barriers to fair, equitable, and high-quality education for low-income students across Massachusetts. 
  • The amendment would also provide $3.9 million to fund two programs providing legal help and benefits to low-income and vulnerable families in medical and family settings.

Amendment #422 “Trained and Qualified School Interpreters Workforce Development”: Sponsored by Senator Crighton, this amendment would allocate $4 million over 5 years to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to build a statewide system of trained and qualified school interpreters. This includes providing statewide training and assessment for 1,100 bilingual school staff to become qualified school interpreters. Click here for more information about this amendment.

Amendment #439 “School Meals”: Sponsored by Senator DiDomenico, this amendment would extend universal free school breakfast and lunch at higher need school districts through the 2024-2025 school year. The amendment would also eliminate meal costs for families that qualify for reduced-price lunch in all eligible school districts where at least 40% of students are in families that already participate in food assistance programs like SNAP.

Amendment #457 “Community College Campus Hunger Pilot Program”: Sponsored by Senator Lovely, this amendment would allocate at least $2.7 million to establish the Massachusetts Community College Campus Hunger Program. Applying community colleges would be able to utilize program funds to combat student hunger and food insecurity through meal cards, meal vouchers, meal plans, and other campus-designed projects.

Amendment #458 “Hunger-Free Campus Initiative”: Sponsored by Senator Chandler, this amendment would allocate at least $1 million to the Department of Higher Education to create the Hunger-Free Campus Initiative. This program would distribute grants to public colleges and universities to combat student hunger through increased access to federal nutrition program benefits, to create meal swipe exchange programs, and to maximize access to on-campus or local food pantries. Program funds would also be utilized to create Hunger-Free Campus Task Forces on public college and university campuses that emphasize student participation and input to tackle food insecurity.

Time is of the essence. Please reach out to your State Senator to help us pass these amendments! 

What You Can Do

  • Contact your Senator TODAY and ask them to co-sponsor Amendments #32, #257, #422, #439, #457, and #458 to S.2564.
  • Because elected officials get a lot of emails, follow up with a phone call to ask whether the Senator will co-sponsor Amendments #32, #257, #422, #439, #457, and #458 to S.2564.
  • Click here to find your Senator’s email and phone number.

The next 24 hours are critical so please contact your State Senator NOW.


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On Monday, the Massachusetts House Committee on Ways and Means (HWM) released House Bill 4219An Act relative to immediate COVID-19 recovery needs, a bill to allocate funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and surplus state funds from last fiscal year. Representatives had until yesterday afternoon to submit amendments to that proposal, and TOMORROW (Thursday), the full House of Representatives will be debating and voting on those amendments.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to advance social justice and right the systemic wrongs that have gone unaddressed for too long. 

Please reach out to your State Representative NOW and ask them to include key funding initiatives in H.4219 that support students, youth experiencing homelessness, and renters facing eviction.

Amendments We Support:

Amendment #1031 “Mass ID”: Sponsored by Representative O’Day and Representative Khan, this amendment would allocate $200,000 to provide free Mass IDs to people experiencing homelessness, provide staffing resources to the Registry of Motor Vehicles to assist individuals experiencing homelessness to access Mass IDs, and track and report on the impact of the initiative. Removing barriers and easing the process for youth experiencing homelessness to obtain state ID is crucial for them to accomplish a host of everyday tasks and access services that require identification.

Amendment #594 “MLAC”: Sponsored by Chairwoman Balser and Chairman Day, this amendment includes funding for the Right to Counsel in Evictions Program and the Right to High-Quality Education for All Students program.
  • The amendment would provide $78 million for a Housing and Eviction Representation Program to provide housing stability and homelessness prevention to those at risk of eviction. This program would make tenants and owner occupants whose incomes are below 80% of the Area Median Income eligible for free legal representation. Read our testimony in support of Right to Counsel here.
  • The Right to High-Quality Education for All Students program would allocate funds to address barriers to fair, equitable, and high-quality education for low-income students across Massachusetts. 
Amendments #313 “Meeting the Need for 10,000 Jobs for Massachusetts Youth” and #314 “Addressing Technical Omission of Homeless Youth in Line Item 1599-2036”: Sponsored by Representative Elugardo, both of these amendments support employment programs for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness.
  • Amendment #313 calls for an additional $10 million investment, for a total of $50 million, in youth and young adult employment. This investment would empower an estimated 10,000 young people with jobs and pathways to career success.
  • Amendment #314 would add language into House Bill 4219 about how youth and young adults experiencing homelessness, particularly BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals, should be a major focus group of this funding. Click here for more information about these amendments from our advocacy partner Breaktime. 

Time is of the essence. Please reach out to your State Representative to help us pass these amendments! 

What You Can Do

  • Contact your Representative TODAY and ask them to co-sponsor amendments #313, #314, #594, and #1031 to H.4219.
  • Because elected officials get a lot of emails, follow-up with a phone call to ask whether your Representative will co-sponsor amendments #313, #314, #594, and #1031 to H.4219.
  • Click here to find your Representative’s email and phone number.

The next 24 hours are critical so please contact your State Representative NOW.


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Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and support Massachusetts families and youth by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! Check out our website for our most recent publications and action alerts.

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In Massachusetts, over 90% of tenants facing eviction are unrepresented, yet 81% of landlords do have legal representation.

This inequitable distribution of power means that thousands of people – disproportionately women, families of color, and families with children – are thrown into Housing Court on their own without any form of legal representation, and are more likely to be forced out of their homes unnecessarily.

There is a common sense solution to this crisis – increase access to attorneys in Housing Court! Legislators are currently debating how to use the increase in federal funding the state has received to address the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now is the time to tell your legislators they should set aside ARPA funds for the creation of a Right to Counsel program in Housing Court.

These funding decisions are being made now and the House may debate and vote on a bill as early as this week!

Full legal representation has been shown to make a significant impact on tenants’ ability to remain in their homes. Funding a Right to Counsel program would protect the most vulnerable of our population from homelessness, and the many other debilitating effects of evictions, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and support Massachusetts families and youth by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! Check out our website for our most recent publications and action alerts.

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The Massachusetts legislative session is in full swing, and we have an unprecedented opportunity to advance civil rights for Massachusetts residents.

An Act to Create Access to Justice (S.996/H.1792) would restore civil rights protections at the state level that were previously available under federal law, make legal remedies accessible, and protect all vulnerable groups. Check out this fact sheet to learn more.

Today, our goal is to reach as many Massachusetts lawmakers as possible. We need you to raise your voice! Please take this one-minute action today and urge your legislators to co-sponsor and support An Act to Create Access to Justice.

Everyone deserves protection under the law and the ability to seek redress in court.


Keep informed & stay involved!

Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and support Massachusetts families and youth by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! Check out our website for our most recent publications and action alerts.

To support our work, please consider giving a donation today.

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Exciting news: the Language Access and Inclusion Act is scheduled for a hearing before the legislature next week!

But before that happens, we need to consolidate as much support behind this bill as we can. This is an unprecedented opportunity to dismantle barriers to access, stability, and basic needs that have gone unaddressed for too long, and we can’t do it without you.

The Language Access and Inclusion Act would standardize and enforce language access policies and protocols at public-facing state agencies to ensure non-English speaking residents can access the services they need. As families continue to struggle under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must protect and guarantee the right to language access across the state.

Today, our goal is to reach as many Massachusetts lawmakers as possible to ensure this bill has robust support heading into next week’s hearing. We need you to raise your voice! Please take this one-minute action today and urge your legislators to co-sponsor and support the Language Access and Inclusion Act.


Keep informed & stay involved!

Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and support Massachusetts families and youth by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! Check out our website for our most recent publications and action alerts.

To support our work, please consider giving a donation today.

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The Massachusetts legislative session is in full swing, and we have an unprecedented opportunity to dismantle barriers to access, stability, and basic needs that have gone unaddressed for too long.

The Language Access and Inclusion Act would standardize and enforce language access policies and protocols at public-facing state agencies to ensure non-English speaking residents can access the services they need. As families continue to struggle under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must protect and guarantee the right to language access across the state.

Today, our goal is to reach as many Massachusetts lawmakers as possible. We need you to raise your voice! Please take this one-minute action today and urge your legislators to co-sponsor and support the Language Access and Inclusion Act.


Keep informed & stay involved!

Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action and support Massachusetts families and youth by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter! Check out our website for our most recent publications and action alerts.

To support our work, please consider giving a donation today.

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2021-2022 Legislative Agenda

This past year has been full of extraordinary challenges, but thanks to our community of support, we made powerful gains in the State House. Working with partners, we ensured that a language access provision was included in legislation to hold DCF accountable, successfully advocated for provisions in the sweeping police reform bill that protect the rights of Massachusetts youth, and more! Now, the 2021-2022 Massachusetts legislative session is here, and we’re ready to build on these successes. You have the power to help set the legislative agenda at the State House by taking action TODAY to support essential initiatives within Massachusetts Appleseed’s key policy areas, highlighted below:

Access to Justice

An Act Relative to Language Access and Inclusion: HD.3674 (Rep. Madaro) and SD.2251 (Sen. DiDomenico) would standardize and enforce language access protocols and practices at public-facing state agencies. In Massachusetts, nearly 1 in 10 residents speak a primary language other than English, and this statute would ensure that they have fair and equitable access to unemployment benefits, education, housing assistance, and healthcare – including getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

This bill is one of the key recommendations in our most recent report, Families Torn Apart: Language-Based Discrimination at the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, and would help hold Massachusetts’ child welfare agency accountable to prevent limited English proficient families from being unjustly separated.

An Act to Create Access to Justice: HD.1968 (Rep. Meschino and Rep. Madaro) and SD.1893 (Sen. DiDomenico) would create a private right of action for individuals who have been subjected to disparate impact discrimination by Massachusetts state agencies and other government entities. “Disparate impact” means situations where laws, policies, and practices appear neutral on their face, but in practice adversely affect individuals who are members of a legally protected class (i.e. race, gender, age, disability, or national origin). This bill would fill a gap in existing federal civil rights law and enable individuals to bring claims of disparate impact discrimination under state law in Massachusetts, allowing for systemic change through our state court system.

This bill is also one of the key recommendations in our most recent report, Families Torn Apart: Language-Based Discrimination at the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families, and would enfranchise limited English proficient parents to take legal action in defense of their civil rights.

Keep Kids in Class

An Act to Ensure Equitable Access to Education, Including Special Education Services, for All Students in Massachusetts: HD.1433 (Rep. Decker) would require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to publish demographic data on student discipline – such as race, gender, English-language ability, poverty, disability status, and discipline rate – in a form that could be cross-tabulated and allow for multi-variable analysis. Good policy starts with good data, and this bill will ensure greater transparency and enable advocates, grassroots organizers, and anyone in the Massachusetts community to better identify disparities and inequitable treatment of students, and hold schools accountable.

This bill is one of the key recommendations in our collaborative 2020 report, Protecting Girls of Color from the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Based on Natural Hairstyles: HD.447 (Rep. Ultrino), SD.2349 (Sen. Gomez), and SD.1407 (Sen. DiDomenico) would amend existing state civil rights law to specifically ban discrimination based upon natural hairstyle. Young women and girls of color face disparate discipline in Massachusetts schools, and as we saw in 2017, hairstyle discrimination can play a significant role in pushing Black girls out of their classrooms. This bill would make sure no student is barred from their learning environment because of the way they wear their hair and is an important step forward to combat racial disparities in school discipline.


Youth Homelessness & Hunger

An Act to Provide Identification to Youth and Adults Experiencing Homelessness: HD.984 (Rep. Khan and Rep. O’Day) and SD.636 (Sen. Chandler) would require the Registry of Motor Vehicles to waive the $25 fee for Mass ID applicants who are experiencing homelessness, and to accept alternative verifications of Massachusetts residency from state agencies and social service agencies.

Currently, many young people experiencing homelessness cannot obtain state ID, which they often need to apply for a job, access public services, open a bank account, and accomplish a host of other important life tasks. One entire chapter of the Massachusetts Homeless Youth Handbook, our online know-your-rights resource for youth experiencing homelessness, is devoted to helping youth navigate the difficult process of obtaining identification. This legislation is necessary to eliminate an enormous barrier youth and young adults face on their path to achieving safety and self-sufficiency.

What You Can Do:

  • Contact your Senator & Representative TODAY and ask them to co-sponsor all of the bills listed above.
  • Because elected officials get a lot of emails, follow-up with a phone call to ask whether the Senator or Representative will co-sponsor these bills.
  • If you see your Senator or Representative listed here as a sponsor of one of these bills, give them a call and thank them!
  • Click here to find your Senator and Representatives’ emails and phone numbers.
  • Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for opportunities to take action in support of these policies!

Massachusetts Appleseed is supporting a number of other bills that will disrupt the school-to-confinement pipeline, combat youth hunger, and prevent evictions. To see our full 2021-2022 legislative agenda, click hereThank you for advancing social justice in Massachusetts!


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Action Alert

Because the Massachusetts Legislature passed a temporary eviction and foreclosure moratorium in late April, thousands of families economically devastated by the pandemic have been able to stay in their homes. While that law provides Governor Baker the opportunity to extend the moratorium at increments of up to 90 days until 45 days after the State of Emergency is lifted, the Governor has publicly signaled that he plans to let these protections expire on October 17th. 

It is estimated that anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 new evictions will occur when the moratorium expires! 

Massachusetts Appleseed has previously advocated for the creation of a Right to Counsel pilot program that could protect many of these renters from eviction and potentially homelessness once the moratorium ends. Initially, we asked for a pilot program that would allow nonprofit and legal aid organizations to offer representation within 5,000 eviction cases. 

But as the numbers of likely evictions continue to climb, addressing 5,000 cases is clearly not enough. The Right to Counsel Coalition has sent a letter to Governor Baker advocating for a comprehensive plan that ensures representation for tenants and landlords in 22,000 eviction cases. We need your help to make this happen before the eviction moratorium ends on October 17th!


What You Can Do

  1. Email Governor Baker and ask him to support S. 2785 to establish a COVID right to counsel pilot program, in addition to funding rental assistance.
  2. Call the Governor’s office TODAY (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.) and ask him to support S. 2785 to establish a COVID right to counsel pilot program, in addition to funding rental assistance. 
  • Main Office: 617-725-4005 
  • Toll-free: 888-870-7770
  • TTY: 617-727-3666

You can send Governor Baker an email like this: 

Dear Governor Baker,

Time is of the essence. Courts alone cannot handle the eviction crisis and protect people in our communities from being evicted. Massachusetts needs a comprehensive plan for tenants and homeowners to prevent mass eviction and we urge you to:
  1. Fund rental assistance to stabilize people’s housing and prevent homelessness.
  2. Adopt a framework to provide time, protection, and housing assistance to tenants, homeowners, and landlords to keep people housed.
  3. Implement a statewide right to counsel program to prevent eviction and preserve tenancies.

Tenants, landlords, municipal leaders, health care professionals, and advocates are worried about what will happen when the eviction moratorium ends. The CDC moratorium is not enough. We urge you to use COVID relief funding to prevent housing instability and keep Massachusetts residents safe. We need your leadership to get us through this. Thank you.

(Your name)

Send Governor Baker an email.



Our Response to COVID-19

From developing and sharing accessible legal resources in areas of urgent need to advocating for equitable policies to support those hit hardest by COVID-19 – there’s work to be done. Learn more about steps we’re taking to aid our most vulnerable communities during the pandemic and how you can help.

Our Response to COVID-19


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